Monday, February 22, 2010

Payback's a BITCH!

I lost the battle. The freakin' cold won, I lost. I spent most of the weekend in my bedroom. I left the house Sunday morning only to go get more OTC cold meds and food, including ice cream to soothe my burning throat.

Unfortunately, I haven't really slept for 2 nights straight now. I'm blaming a vengeful God for my lack of sleep. Here's how I arrived at that conclusion:

I left work early on Friday, because I really was not a pleasant sight at that point. I made it home and proceeded to force myself to stay awake until 5pm with my blackberry clutched in my right hand and my DVD remote clutched in my left (Glee made me smile, what can I say?!). Once 5pm rolled around, I set the blackberry & DVD remote down and rolled over to sleep.

I was in and out the rest of the night, cold meds and just the exhaustion of the week catching up with me. Early Saturday morning my fever finally broke. Thank God. I normally have a hard time regulating my body temperature, but to go from sweat pouring off me to shivering in about 2 seconds is a new record, even for me.

I slept in late on Saturday and spent most of the day in bed. Not sleeping, but resting. Even though my fever had broken, I still felt like crap. I still couldn't breathe so well and now a nice dry cough had developed. One where I hack and hack and hack and nothing PRODUCTIVE come up. It's fun.

Given that I still wasn't feeling good and I now had this cough, I decided Saturday evening that I would not go to church on Sunday. I hate being the person in service that can't stop hacking. And I go to a small church, so everyone would know it was me. No, I would keep my germs to myself and stay home.

I sent a text message to a few friends, just letting them know so they wouldn't worry, took a double shot of NyQuil - Yeah, I said a double shot! - and tucked myself in for the night. I was looking forward to an OTC drug induced sleep like none other.

And that's when the vengeance set in. As my eyes were getting heavy, my throat started closing. Every time I would fall asleep for a few minutes, I would sit up straight in bed, eyes watering, unable to stop coughing. It would then take me another 20 minutes to be able to breathe again so I could start to fall back to sleep. Then the cycle would start over. In total, I think I got 2 hours of sleep Saturday night.

So you want to skip church so you can get a little extra sleep? I think NOT Sassy, another hacking fit, just for you, courtesy of your vengeful God.

RUDE! Oh, sure, I skipped church last week too (I had a good excuse, it was the Daytona 500!), but come on, being sick is a VALID reason.

Then, as if that wasn't punishment enough, I decided I would NOT take a nap on Sunday so I could sleep Sunday night. But did I get to sleep? NOPE! Even with a double dose of Mucinex - What? I'm a big girl, it takes a lot of meds to knock shit out of my body! - and a shot of NyQuil I STILL couldn't sleep more than 20 minutes at a time before waking up to a hacking fit.

But don't worry. I'm a vengeful Sassy. After 2 nights of little to no sleep, I'm exhausted and bitter. Add on a full day of work, my abs hurting like hell from all this hacking, plus, I might still be contagious. I'm skipping bible study tonight. HA! Take that! Bring on another bad night's sleep, I can take it!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Shot of NyQuil with a Diet Coke chaser

Hi, my name is Sassy, and I'm addicted to Diet Coke. 

I can't begin to tell you how addicted I am to Diet Coke. I drink it morning, noon, and night. I even take one last sip of Diet Coke as a chaser after a shot of NyQuil.

I've been fighting off a cold, including doubling my dose of vitamin C and taking NyQuil the last two nights to make sure I can sleep. I'm not "sick" but I'm definitely fighting and will win this battle.

NyQuil is an amazing thing. That feeling just a few minutes after you take it, when you can feel your body sinking into sleep, is so nice, especially when you aren't feeling good.

But I had to giggle at my addiction to Diet Coke these last two nights when, after taking my NyQuil, I turn off all the lights in my room, sit on the edge of my bed, and grab that cup of Diet Coke sitting on my bedside table. 

A cup of Diet Coke is always sitting on my bedside table before I go to sleep. Even if I don't drink from it before I go to sleep, I will drink it in the morning to wake me up. Yeah...I'm addicted.

But of all the things in the world that I could be addicted to, I'll take Diet Coke any day of the week. My family is prone to addiction: my maternal grandmother was an alcoholic, my older brother is recovering from a love of hillbilly crack (meth), and my mother is addicted to being married (3 husbands and counting).

Happy Valentine's Day from me & my love, Diet Coke! 

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I'm restarting this blog, fresh and clean!

This week I set up my WiiFit. One of the funniest parts of the set-up was the WiiFit informing me that I am "unbalanced" and asking if I trip over things often. Uh, yeah, yeah I do. Thanks...

The only bones I've ever broken are my toes. My left foot is still scratched from tripping up the stairs at work 2 months ago. I have a scar on my right calf from running into a moving box...back in June.

Yeah, I'm a clutz. I appreciate the WiiFit knowing it, but did it have to so blatantly call it out?

And, the title "unbalanced". That cracked me up most. Here's my thought on being unbalanced: I'd rather be emotionally balanced and physically unbalanced than to be physically balanced and emotionally unbalanced. Physical scars on my body are annoying to see, but I can get over. Emotional scars on both myself and those around me, those never completely heal.